Why We Are Where We Are Today… and how style will help us shift.

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Blog Post - Why We Are Where We Are Today… and how style will help us shift.

It’s an interesting time in the world right now; especially for women. It feels like we are moving backwards in regards to our freedom, and losing our voice which we’ve fought so hard for in the past. 


I’m choosing to use the word “interesting” instead of labeling it bad or good.


Your words have power, and the more you speak them, the more energy you pour into them becoming a reality. So what if you take what’s happening in the current reality and use it as the impetus for massive change?


There’s a book that’s been sitting on my nightstand for months, and I felt called to bring it with me to a retreat I just attended with my mentor. I knew I’d have time and space on the plane to read. It’s called Spirit Hacking by Shaman Durek, and the timing is absolutely Divine… as it always is when you listen to your intuition.


Shaman Durek published this book in 2019 right before we entered this wild world of the pandemic and quarantine and a massive shake up of the life we all knew. What’s fascinating is that he talks about the fact that we are entering into “The Blackout” which is a time of great disruption and disconnection. 


Yet it’s also a time to shine a massive light on all that’s not working in the world. Everything that is out of balance within ourselves and thus the greater consciousness (aka the planet).


Something I’ve come to realize throughout my journey of transformation is that the world reflects what’s happening on the individual level. When you feel chaos within or disconnection, that is what is reflected in your environment. On the contrary, when you feel gratitude and peace within, your environment shifts to that of peace, harmony and ease.


And when you take all of the individuals on the planet and compile them, the overarching energy, thoughts, and actions of those beings is what creates the grand scale environment. So the divisiveness we are experiencing in the world right now is due to divisiveness within being the overpowering energy. 


So how did we get here? 


During my 15 years in Corporate America, it became very clear to me that masculine energy dominated. Keep in mind we all have feminine and masculine energy regardless of our actual sex, and they are both beautiful and necessary. However, when one dominates the other, it creates imbalance.


Think of masculine energy as “doing” and accomplishing. It’s the notion of checking all of the things off your to-do list (linear thinking). It’s very important for getting things done.


On the contrary, feminine energy is flowy and circular. It’s ease and fun and slowing down to connect to your Divine intuition for the answers. In the earliest days, this feminine intuition was honored and used to guide tribes where to live based on where they’d find food and shelter. Women  were HONORED.


However over time, the masculine energy has shifted to overpower the feminine. Instead of honoring the deep intuition, it’s now labeled “woo” and silly and wrong. So the masculine “doing” and achieving and conquering and me, me, me has gained the upper hand. The feminine “us” and let’s work together to better the whole has been pushed so deep it takes excavation to find within yourself. Remember, I’m talking about the extremes… neither is right or wrong.    


This imbalance of the feminine and masculine energies is why we are where we are today. Fear, war, controlling women’s bodies, and hatred of anyone who believes the opposite of what we believe.


Here’s the good news. With this awareness you have power. With this awareness, you have the ability to bring these energies back into balance and cause a massive upleveling of our planet.


This is why I’m choosing to see all that’s happening right now as an opportunity to wake up and realize we are being called by Mother Earth to shift our ways of being and doing. And that starts within. 


It starts with you getting clear on who you really are, who you are becoming and how you want your life to play out. 


It starts with you changing your inner world (how you think about yourself, how you speak, what you believe) and understanding how to reflect that in your outer world (how you show up). When these two are in alignment for you, that’s when you are standing fully in your power. That’s when you love who you are as you better yourself.


The more you focus on stepping into the true you and showing up that way, the more others around you will do the same. This is what causes the greater shift to the planet. It’s all the little pieces to the puzzle that create the final product.


Your style is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself. Are you hiding, are you “playing a part”, are you pretending it’s not important or are you boldly wearing what makes you feel like an abundant Queen? It all matters.


Style is deeper than just the clothes if you allow it to be. It’s an opportunity to own and express the real you and make your presence in the world known. And right now, there is nothing more important than your presence.


I’m opening up space for 2 more souls ready to step into your truth and elevate your vibe within and without through style. If you feel intrigued to learn more, use the button below to schedule time to chat. You’re ready.  


Style Specialist & Confidence Catalyst

Let’s Chat About Your Style