It used to get me in trouble when I asked “why” or “how” or questioned if there was another way to go about things. When I was young it was “why do I have to eat all of the broccoli before I can have dessert?” Which turned into me always being the last one to finish eating. And while that was a very important question, it shifted into things like “why do I have to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day?” or “what would life look like if I prioritize my health, style, and well-being first?”
What I’ve found is that asking questions opens you up to exploring a new way of being and thinking. It’s an opportunity to look at life from a new lens. A chance to recreate your beliefs and experience the world in a new way instead of simply accepting the way it’s always been done.
Oftentimes you’re taught something growing up that sticks with you as truth. Something like, you shouldn’t wear horizontal stripes or you have to go to school and get a degree (or a few) to make good money. Your subconscious mind gets programmed at a very young age with “rules”, and “curiosity” becomes almost taboo.
The reason I’m sharing this is because I see how these beliefs and “rules” cause women to judge themselves and one another. If you don’t fit into this box of rules or another woman doesn’t fit into the box, the first inclination is typically to judge. Trust me, if you’re judging other women then you are absolutely judging yourself. And that’s a huge waste of your energy!
For instance, have you ever seen a woman walking down the street and thought to yourself, why on earth is she wearing that?! Look, I’ve done it too so this isn’t meant to make you feel bad. It’s meant to open your eyes to getting curious about why she’s wearing it instead of judging! Maybe it has to do with her culture or she was craving that color energetically or it was her sister’s and it reminds her of good memories.
Whatever the reason, it’s that empathy and desire to understand WHY that will allow you to release the judgment and send loving energy instead of judgy energy.
And yes, it all matters! The energy you pour out on others via thoughts, words and actions makes a difference in their life and yours. So let’s make a pact to get curious instead of being so quick to judge.
What would life be like for women if we all committed to understanding the deeper why instead of judging? To simplify, let’s hone this in on style and fashion. Instead of critiquing what another woman is wearing, what if you start getting curious and ask some questions? What stories will you uncover?
Let’s begin to explore “The HERstory of Style” throughout various cultures so that you understand why women dress the way they do!
My intention is to open your eyes to the culture and history (yet we’re going with HERstory) so that you are able to see how it’s reflected in today’s style. It’s to create a world where women learn to love and accept other women for their differences instead of making them wrong. While I know this is a tall order, I also know it’s possible, and style is my tool!
We’ll begin next week with Greece as that’s where you’ll see so much style influence today. Style always repeats itself… and has lots of stories to tell.
If video is more your thing, make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel for episodes of The HERstory of Style.
Style Specialist & Confidence Catalyst